Why should I hire a Squarespace Web Designer?

Good question!

In a world where templates and plug and plays are dominant, do you even need a Squarespace web designer?

The short answer is No (gulp) you don’t technically need any designers to build a Squarespace website but hear me out. Would you jump on the roof to fix a leak yourself? I know I wouldn’t, heights.. me.. no… So have a read of the below benefits before you jump into DIY’ing your website.

Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring a Squarespace web designer:

Professional website design:

A Squarespace web designer can create a professional and visually appealing website for your business. They have the expertise to design a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, making it easier for potential customers to navigate and find the information they need.

Did you know on average a user will leave a site within 7 seconds if they can’t understand what the site is about? A professional designer will work with you to make sure your most important information is in the correct places.

Customization options:

While Squarespace does offer a variety of templates and design options, a web designer can customize your website to fit your specific needs and preferences. They can create unique designs and layouts that are tailored to your brand and business goals.

Squarespace is also forever adding new features and functions that a good designer will keep on top of to be able to advise clients on what is relevant for their website. They can also use custom coding to give the website a more bespoke look vs the generic templates.


Designing a website can be time-consuming, especially if you don't have experience with Squarespace. A good Squarespace designer has spent hours upon hours researching how to get the best layouts, and where to place the CTA’s for optimation along with many other factors.

Hiring a web designer can save you time and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business.

SEO optimization:

A web designer can optimize your website for search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you online. They can ensure your website is structured correctly, include relevant keywords, and use other SEO techniques to improve your website's ranking in search results.

Mobile responsiveness:

With more people browsing the web on their mobile devices, it's important for your website to be mobile-responsive. A web designer can ensure your website is optimized for all devices, providing a better user experience for your customers.

Technical expertise:

Squarespace can be complex, and a web designer has the technical expertise to handle any issues that may arise. They can troubleshoot technical problems, ensure your website is secure, and help you with any integrations or customizations you need.

There’s also all the other tech stuff that comes with setting up a website. Like domains, SSL Cirt, Privacy Policies etc. A designer will be able to assist in all of these areas too.

Overall, hiring a Squarespace web designer is still a personal choice but overall can help you create a professional and effective website that can drive traffic and conversions for your business. They can also get your site up and running quickly.

Nisha White

Squarespace Web Designer - Somerset & Devon Based


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